Who We Are

Our governors are volunteers who give up their time to oversee the development of the Learn to Live Federation. The governors work collectively as a team, responsible for overseeing both schools (Bidwell Brook School and Ellen Tinkham School) within the Federation. Some of our governors are parents and staff, whilst others may be local residents or business people.

Three Key Roles of the Governing Body
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the federation and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the federation and making sure its money is well spent
The Structure of the Governing Body

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets once every half term, with each governor also serving on one of the two sub committees, also meeting once every half term. In addition, governors may also be members of smaller committees, convened when necessary. Governor meetings are currently held during the school day, and can be held at either school location.

Our sub committees are:

  • Teaching and Learning Committee
  • Core Business Team Committee (which includes finance, personnel, health & safety, premises, communication)
Becoming a School Governor

Volunteering as a school governor is extremely rewarding work, allowing you to be part of a very dedicated team and utilising your skills and experience to make a positive difference to the federation.

If you would like any further information about becoming a governor, please contact the clerk via clerk@learntolivefederation.co.uk